I've personally been stocking up on these for a long time anyway, so my crafting costs will remain low throughout Battle for Azeroth.

Blacksmithing Sharpening Stones and Enchanting Oils have had their max item level requirements updated.Cloak enchantments from Warlords of Draenor can now only be applied to items with an item level of 151 or lower.The Universal Language Module is no longer required for "Auctioning for Parts".The Garrison Fishing Shack quests have been updated with the appropriate skill requirement and can once again be accepted and completed.The ability "Research: Ethereal Ink" should now appear in your recipe list for those who have Outland Inscription learned.Players should now have "Research: Ink of the Sea" which will allow progress in the Northrend Inscription skill.In the days since pre-patch 8.0 we have received lots of hotfixes and updates from Blizzard, I'm collecting some of the more interesting and relevant updates to gold-makers.Ī lot of recipes or skills weren't fully functioning after the skill point restructuring: As the saying goes, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. I will be looking at the bigger picture, the decision making and thought processes in being a gold maker – rather than a step by step instructional list. The format will not be that of a traditional guide, but links to further reading with commentary and opinions of my own. Some that you might have missed as a veteran gold maker, or you might be interested in checking out for the first time as a new or aspiring ‘goblin’. I hope to cover and showcase some of the interesting topics, discussions, content and guides that have been going on over the last week in the gold making community. I am also the Support Manager & User Evangelist for TradeSkillMaster, the Auction House addon suite for World of Warcraft. My name is Gumdrops and I’m the lead moderator for the /r/woweconomy subreddit and the accompanying Discord server.

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Welcome to the 49th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up! In this edition we're looking at the TradeSkillMaster 4 release, recent game changes, Lazy Goldmaker's Spreadsheet plus a Giveaway!